Spotify Mac Skip F9

3 min readNov 2, 2021


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Spotify Mac Skip F9 User

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Spotify Mac Skip F9 Pro


JoinedAug 7, 2010LocationSimi Valley, CAPosts172Likes69

Spotify Mac Skip F9 Software

In windows, I hate that I cant use F Keys to switch songs and pause. I actually came from a Mac where it was easy and I made a custom keyboard with custom F keys.
I found a program called autohotkey to remap keys for Spotify and Tidal. It wont work when the apps are minimized, but the apps can be in the background behind other apps.
It’s kind of a pain to script so I’ve included them below.
I remap as follows, but you can edit the script as needed if you want to use different keys or I can even help you if you cant figure it out.
F7 previous track
F8 Pause/Play
F9 next track
F10 mute
F11 lower volume
F12 increase volume
The end result of the app is a little exe file that remaps the keys. I’ll see if I can attach after this post, not sure you are allowed to upload exe files.
— — -Script for Tidal — — —
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; ‘CTRL + Alt + S’ for Launching Tidal / Activating the window / Minimizing the window
IfWinExist ahk_exe Tidal.exe
ifWinActive ahk_exe Tidal.exe
run ‘C:YourPathtoTidal.exe’
; ‘f7’ Skip to the Previous song.
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, winInfo, List, ahk_exe Tidal.exe
Loop, %winInfo%
thisID := winInfo%A_Index%
ControlFocus , , ahk_id %thisID%
ControlSend, , ^{left}, ahk_id %thisID%
; ‘f9’ Skip to the Next song.
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, winInfo, List, ahk_exe Tidal.exe
Loop, %winInfo%
thisID := winInfo%A_Index%
ControlFocus , , ahk_id %thisID%
ControlSend, , ^{right}, ahk_id %thisID%
; ‘f8’ Play/Pause the song.
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, winInfo, List, ahk_exe Tidal.exe
Loop, %winInfo%
thisID := winInfo%A_Index%
ControlFocus , , ahk_id %thisID%
ControlSend, , {space}, ahk_id %thisID%
; ‘CTRL + ALT + R’ Toggles the repeat option.
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, winInfo, List, ahk_exe Tidal.exe
Loop, %winInfo%
thisID := winInfo%A_Index%
ControlFocus , , ahk_id %thisID%
ControlSend, , ^R, ahk_id %thisID%
; ‘CTRL + ALT + B’ Toggles the Shuffle option.
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, winInfo, List, ahk_exe Tidal.exe
Loop, %winInfo%
thisID := winInfo%A_Index%
ControlFocus , , ahk_id %thisID%
ControlSend, , ^S, ahk_id %thisID%
f11::SoundSet, -5
f12::SoundSet, +5
Send {Volume_Down 100}

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